This Friday, 4th February, is the first of the Derby Dabblers 2011 meet up.
The doors will be opening at 6.30p.m. for 3 hours of catching up, crafting, drinks and goodies to eat. The cost of the evening will be £3.00.
What are we going to be getting up to this month? Well as its Valentines day the theme really should be hearts and red but it doesn’t mean that its valentines. It can be anniversary, a scrapbook page with some hearts on or even a wedding theme. Don’t forget, you don’t have to follow the theme if you don’t want to. You can just bring along a scrapbooking project or some blank card and get some inspiration from the talented ladies that will be there.
The cakerers for the evening are Christiana and Liz. If for any reason you can’t make it just let me know and I shall see if someone else is willing to organise the goodies.
DEMONSTRATION VOLUNTEER NEEDED Is there anyone that would like to demonstrate how to make a card or a project for the evening? Go on you know that you can. If there is a demonstrator I will send all details of what is required to make the card/project and I will also put it on the Derby.
Can you please let me know if you will be coming along for the evening and if you can get there for 6.30 to help set the tables out, it would really be appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing all those that can make it on Friday.